Glaucoma services are provided by Dr. JK Shah, Dr. Bhavesh Shah and Dr. Nimisha Shah with thousands of patients treated or under our care.
Intraocular pressure is checked with the gold standard Goldmann’s Applanation Tonometer and the “ Reichert™ ” Tonopen.
Pachymetry is done with the “ Reichert™ ” Pachymeter.
Routine test for glaucoma like gonioscopy and slit biomicroscopy is done for all glaucoma suspects and glaucoma patients.
We have the “ Octopus™ “ Visual Field Analyser. We also have the newer testing modality for glaucoma, the “ Zeiss Cirrus HD OCT 4000™ ” for Optic nerve evaluation.
Selective laser trabeculoplasty ( SLT™ ), Nd-YAG laser iridotomy, Diode cyclophotocoagulation and Trabeculectomy surgeries for glaucoma are done at our centre.